Monday, April 25, 2011

Find MechWarrior: Living Legends servers

Unfortunately, not a lot of people regularly play this fantastic total conversion for Crysis and Crysis Wars. Whenever they release an update, a bunch of people flood to the servers to try it out, then drop off. This is especially bothersome in Australia, because you can't get a decent number of people (> 5) going on a local server. Thankfully the lag compensation is quite good because I am able to play on US and EU servers with ~230ms ping.

That said, you usually have to drop into the game just to see if anyone, anywhere, is playing. I found a simple way to find out how many people were playing: GameTracker. That might seem obvious, but it doesn't allow searching by mod. But it turns out that all the maps in MWLL start with TC_ or TSA_, and you can search by that.

2011-06-27 Update: As of the 0.5 release, there are now also Arena maps, which all start with SA_. So in GameTracker, you can find them *and* the TSA maps with the same search string. URLs below are updated. 

This results in the following two URLs to find all the servers in Crysis Wars:

There are almost no hits for Crysis, but here they are anyway:

Next step: extract this data from the website and re-present it. Or do a Javascript hack over the results. Write a script to monitor favourite servers for players and notify. Or any number of things. But this will allow me to poll the servers and jump in when I have a moment :)

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